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Image by Sarah Dorweiler



The Nova Palm Foundation is dedicated to provide free instruction in music, sports and arts to the underserved and the poor.

PISTA Art Therapy

PISTA Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the art media as its primary mode of communication. Clients who are referred to our art therapist need not have previous experience or skill in art as the art therapist is not primarily concerned with making an aesthetic or the use of art materials in a safe and facilitating environment.

The relationship between the therapist and the client is of central importance, but art therapy differs from other psychological therapies in that it is a three way process between the client, the therapist and the image or artefact. Thus it offers the opportunity for expression and communication and can be particularly helpful to people who find it hard to express their thoughts and feelings verbally.

Our art therapists have a considerable understanding of art processes underpinned by a sound knowledge of therapeutic practice, and work with both individuals and groups in a variety of issues ranging from child and adult mental health to family systems and learning disabilities. Our unique approach helps clients to identify their needs for development and change from the first session. Clients are guided to continue on their own therapeutic process with support from our art therapists.

PISTA Sports Program

NPF is focused on providing sports to underprivileged children throughout the world and promoting sports related community service among our youth. We work to improve the lives and give hope to impoverished children through a variety of sports programs including the collection and donation of sports equipment. We involve youths in community service programs that increases their awareness and compassion for underprivileged children who cannot afford to play sports. We seek to instill in youths a lifelong commitment to and passion for community service through such programs.

We offer free skiing programs to children in winter, often in a camp environment. Our skiing programs tackle challenges they face from not fitting in at school or difficulties in communicating with their families.

Sports is a global language understood and loved by all and it is central to everything the Foundation does because we believe in the value of sports, fitness, fair play, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence. A champion is not a title but a set of qualities. They have something deep inside them. The sense of purpose, dedication, passion that inspires and uplifts them to reach for their dreams and fullest potential. Athletes who are pushing the limits of a sport to new heights are champions of life. We are proud of some of the athletes who are supporting the Foundation and we are excited to have them share the sport they love with so many children who being introduced to the mountains for the first time. We currently focus on underprivileged communities in China.

We are honored to have the support of world champion in skiing, Francoise Beguin. She was born in France she start the first competition at the age of 10. She taught kids that you can never stop getting better at what you do well. Getting kids out skiing is an opportunity to make a deep and lasting impact on them Beguin said. I approach every encounter with my students as if it could be the moment when they would learn their most valuable lesson in their lives. The defining moments upon which they look back and say, that was the moment, the catalyst, for all that I have become.   

Music Program

We believe in the power of music to change lives and we work with some of the most disadvantaged people, providing free music training and helping them to transform their lives. Music can open new horizons through helping individuals to express themselves. We provide funding for musical activities that build self-esteem and confidence, helps individuals to manage stress and to meet the social, emotional, behavioral and cognitive needs of vulnerable people of all ages. The target is to work with like-minded charities in a multi-disciplinary environment to improve life opportunities for young people. Our programs are designed to support learning, inspire development and improve the emotional well-being of those living in inner cities and who are alienated from their peers, family and society.

Our trainers do not teach techniques to learners. Instead, learners are encouraged and guided to master the accessible equipment in a relax environment, to explore their own voices, and to create their own music language. The music played covers a wide range of styles to provide for the individual needs of each learner. It aims to facilitate positive changes in behavioral and emotional well-being and to increase self-awareness, facilitating the learner to master a quality life in the process.

Theatre Program

Children who learn to speak out clearly and relate confidently with others will have an inside track to lifetime success. The Foundations summer theatre program develops all kids from the shy to the outgoing. Our program is designed to encourage kids to develop at their own pace. We use a range of different drama activities to help youths gain poise, self-confidence and the ability to speak in front of others so they can reach into themselves to discover their full potential.

We use the drama process to help children express their emotions and become aware of their dominant emotional state with an emphasis on its potential impact on learning. For instance, if anger is the predominantly expressed negative emotion, we get students to suggest situations that make them angry. Reproducing or imitating emotional expression in itself leads to all sorts of positive physiological changes

Our theatre program develops social skills and builds confidence while giving participants the opportunity to explore the theatrical arts and learn acting techniques. Through drama, children stand to benefit from being exposed to different individuals and the interconnecting disciplines in life. They learn to be patient when they are waiting for their turn, to be supportive when they have a small role, and that they can? Do it all alone when they have a big one. They learn to take turns and cooperate and work as a team


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